+NOTE+ Refer to course homepages in for all classes since fall, 2011.
- 2008 Spring
- Comprehensive Design Project (종합설계)
- Logic Circuit Design (논리설계)
- Introduction to Engineering design (공학설계입문)
- 2008 Fall
- Comprehensive Design Project (종합설계)
- Computer Architecture (컴퓨터구조)
- Topics in Computer Architecture (컴퓨터구조특론, 대학원)
- 2009 Spring
- Comprehensive Design Project (종합설계)
- Logic Circuit Design (논리설계)
- Introduction to Engineering design (공학설계입문)
- 2009 Fall
- Computer Architecture (컴퓨터구조) 3 classes
- Advanced Computer Applications (컴퓨터응용특론, 대학원)
- 2010 Spring
- Comprehensive Design Project (종합설계)
- Logic Circuit Design (논리설계)
- Introduction to Engineering design (공학설계입문)
- Computer Programming (컴퓨터프로그래밍)
- 2010 Fall
- Discrete Mathematics (이산수학)
- Computer Architecture (컴퓨터 구조)
- Information Technology Seminar II (정보기술세미나II, 대학원)
- C Programming (C프로그래밍, 방과후)
- 2011 Spring
- Comprehensive Design Project (종합설계)
- Logic Circuit Design (논리설계)
- Introduction to Engineering design (공학설계입문)
- C Programming (C프로그래밍, 방과후)
- 2011 Fall
- Logic Circuits (논리회로)
- Logic Circuits Laboratory (논리회로실험)
- Embedded Systems (임베디드시스템, 대학원)
- 2012 Spring
- Logic Circuits (논리회로)
- Embedded System Design (임베디드시스템 설계)
- Basic Electric Circuit Laboratory (기초전기실험)